In Call of Duty: Warzone you experience new weapons in every new seasons. PPSh-41 was the latest weapon that was introduced in the game as a submachine gun. So far, according to it , it has landed well in close range combat.

It has not dominated well as compare to other weapons in the Warzone meta. As compare to weapons from Black Ops Cold War, PPSh-41 is an useless gun. But there is some situations that you have to use it.

Whoever plays this game always wants to experience new submachine weapons because it is so fun to dominate close range combat. Certainly PPSh-41 brings positive vibes that you should know.

The very best PPSh-41 loadout in Call of Duty | Warzone season 4

In the beginning, this gun PPSh-41 gave such a quality fire rate, due to which the cover of the enemy was easily broken. Apart from being a very aggresive weapon, another feature of this was that this gun can paired with any assault rifle or a sniper. What happens with it is that you can cover a very large range of bases.

It used to be that it was very weak in terms of range recoil. But this gun can be better with the right attachment. In Call Of Duty: Warzone any loadout means, to make strength of the weapon more special and fix the weaknesses.

In the case of PPSh-41, it means strengthen moibility of the gun and to fix the issues in control and the capacity of the gun that exist.

also read:

Here are the best attachments for the PPSh-41 in Warzone-

  • GRU suppressor (Muzzle)
  • 15.7″ Task Force (Barrel)
  • Serpent Wrap (Rear Grip)
  • 55 Rnd (Ammunition)
  • Raider Stock/ Spetsnaz Grip (Stock/Grip)

GRU suppressor (Muzzle)

In a warzone it is very important to hide your self or not to let anyone know that, from where the attack is being done. GRU suppressor’s main feature is that it helps to suppress the sound of the weapon, efective bullet velocity and effective damge range.

15.7″ Task Force (Barrel)

It has a disadvantage in case of controling the weapon a bit but it helps to effective damage, range, and velocity. And barrel, 15.7″ Task Force is the most reiable offer on this loadout.

Serpent Wrap (Rear Grip)

ADS speed is the main reason for that you should use Serpent Wrap. It will give players to a speed to their mag attachment and the muzzle.

55 Rnd (Ammunition)

In the case of middle ground 55 Rnd will help you. It is magazine attachment that will help you for effective mobilty and capacity. Because larger magss may slow your weapon down.

Raider Stock/ Spetsnaz Grip (Stock/Grip)

These are optional case but these are also efective slot option. Spetsnaz Grip can give you control your grip more. But Raider Stock will offer you sprint to fire time and aim-walking move speed.

If your attachment is right then you can control your shooting well and recoil your aiming.


Guys if you want to be pro level shooter or want to control your shooting focused to your enemy then your attachment must be correct. Because in a warzone you have to take down your enemy before he takes aim on you.

“Precaution is better than cure”. Isn’t It?

In this post “The very best PPSh-41 loadout in Call of Duty | Warzone season 4”, I tried to give you some attachment tips and ideas that you should try on your ‘Call Of Duty’ warzone.

I hope this information will be enough for you. Comment below if you think there is a better attachment. Thank you.